Mar 9, 2010

The Story of Us

So, I snagged the title, The Story of Us from my fave Bruce Willis film (aside from Color of Night for obvious reasons wink, wink, nudge, nudge). The Story of Us is about the trials and tribulations of a married couple who during their brief separation, realize how much they love each other. I can't tell you how many times I've watched this movie and cry like a baby each and every time. I saw it for the first time at the movie theatre on a date with the guy I swore I would marry. It turns out he and God had other plans. I'm sure you lovely blog readers are wondering where this post is going and I'm just about to get there. (I always get sidetracked when I think of Bruce Willis).;) Eight years ago today (03/09/02), Ant and I went on our first date. Here's the Story of Us...I was a junior at the University of Tennessee, waiting tables part-time at a local restaurant (Louis'). I was at a point in my life where I decided to take a break from dating and just enjoy being single, which I was. I was content with spending my weekends at my apartment watching Bridget Jones' Diary and eating Sour Straws. The Story of Us actually begins exactly one month prior to our first date at my roomie's 21st birthday party on 02/09/02. Some of my coworker's from Louis' came to the party and we were just taking pictures for fun and I printed some out for everyone. My coworker, Mandie, was dating Anthony's good friend at the time and she would frequently visit him at the business he owned. Anthony also frequented this establishment, and just happened to be there at the same time Mandie was there and was showing the pictures from the party. Anthony caught a glimpse of my pic and informed Mandie that he would like to meet me. Mandy and I were folding silverware at work one evening when she mentioned this guy Anthony who "fell in love," with my picture and was dying to meet me. I really didn't think anything of it at the time and just went on about my business. I hadn't heard the last of this Anthony person, however. I get a call from Mandie on a Sunday night (I believe). She was having car trouble and really wanted to see the guy she was dating and Anthony also happened to be there. We were going to watch movies. Unfortunately, I was still get over a nasty case of the flu and declined the invitation, plus I didn't want to be at a house with two strange guys. So, I stayed at home and watched Friday with my roomie and her now husband and baby daddy. (bored yet?) A week or two probably passed before Mandie mentioned Anthony again. This was on 03/07/10, it was a Thursday and I was working the ramp, which was my fave section to work in at Louis'. Mandie came up to me and informed me that Anthony was coming into the restaurant that evening to meet me. At that point, I must admit, I got a little nervous. The only thing I knew about this Anthony guy was that he was friends with the guy Mandie was dating. I carefully examined every young male customer who walked in that evening, wondering if he was that Anthony guy. Finally, I noticed Mandy sitting next to a guy on the other side of the ramp, the one I wasn't working on. I had walked right by Anthony and his friend, Lee (yes, he brought a friend) countless times, not even knowing he was sitting RIGHT THERE! Mandie called me over and introduced us. I thought Anthony was pretty cute-a little bit older than I had anticipated, but I liked older men so that was not a bad thing. I found out he was 30 (I was 21). I noticed he had ordered the Filet Mignon. Anyhoo...we briefly talked and I found out a little bit about him and he handed me a scuba diving business card (from one of his friends) with his number on the back of it. I gave him my number as well, as I knew for a fact I wouldn't be calling him, because I never make the first call. Once my coworkers found out which guy was that Anthony guy, they were all peering out the door at him and giving me their opinions. It was rather embarrassing. Anyhoo, I went home that evening and jammed out to a Staind CD a busboy had burned for me. I kept the phone nearby just in case Anthony called, but who I was I kidding what guy calls on the first night??? Friday night came and went without a phone call as well. Then, on Saturday I had a hair appointment scheduled at Belleza. I was getting highlights and had tons of foil stacked on my head (my hair was super long). Of course, this was when the phone would ring, and lo and behold it was Anthony. He asked me if I wanted to go to dinner that evening, and of course I said yes. I mean it was perfect timing since I just had my hair "did." He planned to pick me up at my apartment, which he did. Anthony came inside and we talked for a few minutes, and then he took me to El Chico's where we had a drink and did more talking. I remember talking at length about his tattoos since I was fascinated by them, but didn't have any at the time (I have 4 now). I learned that he lived in Powell and worked for the family business, which I thought was super cool since I was a student who waited tables for a living. Anthony received a call from some friends who were at Bailey's, which is a sports bar, so we went there. It was kind of awkward since I barely knew Anthony and was surrounded by his older friends. I remember Anthony's phone was on the brink of its demise so he kept borrowing mine. A wife of Anthony's friend was pretty inebriated and talked my ear off the entire time. She later fell out of her chair. It was definitely an interesting first date-not one's ideal of a particularly romantic time. I still wanted to give this Anthony guy a chance though, and he did walk me in my apartment at about 2 am and kissed me on the cheek. We planned on getting together again the following night. I had to be at work early the Sunday morning after our date, but I was too giddy and excited to be tired. This was a good think since my boss asked me to pick up the evening shift as well. I had to call Anthony to cancel our second date. I tried calling Anthony when I got home from work that evening, but it went to his voicemail and I didn't leave a message (I'm notorious for not leaving messages). I assumed he would see where I had called. I went a couple of days without hearing from Anthony at all and was bummed because I thought he wasn't interested. It turns out the whole time he thought I wasn't interested in him because he never saw where I called him that night. Mandie saw him and told him that I really liked him a lot and then everything was resolved. Thank goodness for Mandie, even though Anthony's friend dumped her not long after she got us together. Poor Mandie! She later married her best friend's boyfriend and had a baby boy with him. It's weird how thing work out. I wonder what ever happened to her... (bored yet?) Well, anyhoo, Anthony and I were spending almost everyday together and even went on a vacation together. I gained a few pounds during the first couple of months of our relationship because he took me out to eat all the time. Boy do I miss those days!:) We're talking Chesapeake's, Big Ed's, Litton's...yum! We definitely had some ups and downs, especially during the 4th month of our relationship. I'm not sure what it is about the 4th month that makes or breaks relationships. One of the funniest things that ever happened (he'll kill me for telling this) was when he showed up at my door unexpectedly. He looked a bit disheveled and was acting kind of funny. He had spilled something on his shirt, which he said was water, but it smelled more like beer. At this point, I'm a bit irritated because I was studying for a Spanish exam. He brought a book with him and said he would just read while I studied. A few moments later, I looked over at him and he was "reading," the book upside down. Even though I was irritated at the time, we still laugh about that evening. It turns out that he had been playing golf with his friends, when they were offered a free keg of beer that was left over from a tournament that had been rained out. He and his friends finished the keg. Oh, and I'll never forget the first time Anthony lied to me-he's a terrible liar by the way. For the first few months we were together, Anthony would spend Mondays with me since I only had an evening class and Louis' was closed on Mondays. The first Monday he didn't spend with me, he was supposedly working. I called him to just to check in and I could hear the wind blowing in the background. I asked him if he was outside and he said he was just running some old files out to the shed. I was immediately suspicious and checked the closet where he would keep his golf clubs-they were GONE! I didn't say another word until he got home and was still dressed in his golf clothes and was sporting a sunburn! He had the raccoon eyes from his sunglasses and all. haha! He still tried to talk his way out of it. Golf is "the other woman." hehe (see link) Anyway, I'm sure I've lost most of you lovely blog readers by now, so I'll pick up the pace. Anthony and I were engaged on 05/09/03, the day before I graduated from UT, and then we were married on 10/09/04, and then Liv came along on 12/06/06, and here we are now. This has been the story of us. Happy dating anniversary Ant, even if you think it's silly to celebrate dating anniversaries.;)
Signing off...

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