May 15, 2011


Words have so much meaning, even if we don't realize it right away-this is one of the last emails I received from my dad before he took his own life:


You don’t know how good that makes me feel…I also want to apologize for anything that I have done…you know that I love you so much and have missed you so much…I have so much that I would like to talk to you about and share with you….I just hope that we can get back to the way we once were….I love you so much and I think you know that….it is time for all this to be over and be Father and Daughter again…please send me a friend request on FB..there is so much of my research I have done that I would love for you to see and talk to you about …

I love you so much,


May 10, 2011

Never Lose Hope...


Putting a Face on Suicide

day three - Tribute Pages

Ronnie Barnes - Age 58

Every 15 minutes someone dies by suicide in the United States, that’s 96 or so people each day; those are the statistics. These are their faces …Tribute to My Dad

By: Putting a Face on Suicide