Aug 29, 2009
Aug 26, 2009
More Tennessee Happenings that NEVER Should Have Happened...
I've been following this trial from day one...So, yesterday, Cobbins was charged with the murder of Channon Christian among several other charges. Today was the sentencing, which did not go as anticipated. Cobbins was facing the death penalty, but was instead sentenced to life without parole. This was obviously a slap in the face to the families of both victims. I'm aware that topics such as the death penalty stir up a lot of controversy, but this case is unique. The types of torture these victims endured was unthinkable. Channon Christian spent her last moments of life in a garbage can. We're talking about someones daughter, sister and best friend. Chris Newsom's body was left burning by railroad tracks. He was a son and a brother. It really hit close to home today when I listened to Mrs. Christian's statement. She stated that Channon was a Sociology major at the University of Tennessee. I minored in sociology at UT. This also led me to think that it could have been me. I didn't live in the best part of town and didn't always lock my doors, etc. This leads me to my next point. I've heard several people say that this trial has had "excessive media coverage." I think it's important for the public to know that crimes like this happen, and they can happen to anyone. As a mother, it just breaks my heart to think of what Channon and Chris' parents are going through. Justice may have not been done today, but it will prevail in due time. As they say, Karma is a bitch. R.I.P. Channon & Chris.

Aug 25, 2009
Those of you who have been following this trial over the past week may not recognize this picture of Letalvis Cobbins as he now has braids. I chose to post his mugshot rather than a picture of him dressed up in a suit. For those of you who have not been following this trial, tomorrow is sentencing day for Mr. Cobbins and he could face the death penalty. I pray for the victims' families during this difficult time.

Aug 21, 2009
Tennessee Happenings That Should Have NEVER Happened...

I've been following this trial all week and my heart is absolutely broken for the victims and their families. I pray for justice, and most importantly, peace, for these folks. As a parent, this is especially heart wrenching. No one, and I mean no one, should ever endure the torture, terror and pain that these victims endured.
Aug 14, 2009
Oh, Sweet Nostalgia...
I just read a local news article online...students @ the University of Tennessee will be moving into their dorms this weekend, which made me realize, I was doing just the same 10 years ago! Wow! Dorm life had its ups and downs, but I think everyone should experience it at least once. Fun times, fun times...
Aug 11, 2009
Aug 7, 2009
Why Google Why???
I can't even view my own blog thanks to some stupid google error page!!! I hope everyone else can still view it!
Aug 5, 2009
PA Happenings (not much going on in TN)...
We all go to the gym for different reasons, but I can safely say that it provides stress relief for all. You know the deal, exercise releases endorphins that make us feel good, yada...yada...yada... Imagine this, you're on the elliptical or treadmill, pumping some iron, taking a yoga class, or an aerobics class, when all of the sudden a heat packin' freak comes in starts shooting up the place. Complete insanity! I'm going to keep one eye open at my next yoga class!
Aug 2, 2009
Today's Tennessee Happenings...
The hubster and I have have already been weighing the pros and cons of public school vs. private school even though Liv is only 2.5 years old. The article I've posted is definitely pointing me in the direction of private school. I guess I'll start saving up now.:)
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